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From time to time I get the opportunity to participate in videos. Most of the time they are around VMware but not always.



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2011 Videos

2011 Here are Videos I participated in during 2011 Below is the interview I did with Greg Schulz at VMworld on VDI in school environments. Watch live streaming video from vmwarecommunitytv at Here is the video from the 2011 Dell Tech Center Underground event at VMworld.

2012 Videos

2012 Below are the videos and sessions I was part of in 2012.   Here is a Chad’s World episode I did with Chad Sakac on VMware Data Protection (VDP) in 2012.   Here is a clip from the VMworld 2012 vExpert Hour where I and several other vExperts discuss whats new on Wednesday of …

2013 Videos

2013 Below are the videos I participated in for 2013. The following clip is from my 2013 vBrownbag Tech Talks at VMworld US on VMware Mirage.   This clip is from the vExpert daily at VMworld 2013. I do apologize for the sound.   Below is a video blog called “The Backup Window” that I …

2014 Videos

2014 Below are the videos I participated in for 2014   Below is the VMworld US 2014 vExpert Daily for Tuesday which I participated in. Below is a vBrownbag Tech Talk I did at VMworld US on configuring Horizon View.  

2015 Videos

2015 Below are the videos Tony participated in during 2015. The VMworld EMEA breakout session of EUC6643 does not appear to have been recorded. Please refer to the VMworld US recording here   VMworld EMEA 2015 vExpert Daily for Tuesday   This is the recording of EUC6643, the session I presented at VMworld US. I …

2016 Videos

2016 Below are the videos Tony participated in during 2016.   Above is the 2016 VMworld vBrownBag TechTalk. In this TechTalk I discuss how we could start to use GPUs to enhance our data center experience. I presented at GTC16 on “IT-as-a-Service with Visually Intensive VDI: Designing, Testing and Scaling” you can view more details …

2017 Videos

2017 Below are the videos and some podcasts Tony participated in during 2017. I was honored to be part of the last Dell EMC Tech sElect podcast participants. The above is a vExpert Daily I participated in during VMworld Barcelona.   Above is the vBrownbag vExpert Daily from VMworld 2017. This was my first time …

2018 Videos

2018 Below are the videos and some podcasts Tony participated in during 2018. Dell Technologies World At Dell Technologies World I talked about VDI offerings my team had made available. GPU Tech Conference 2018  I presented at GTC18 Session S8483 – Empowering CUDA Developers with Virtual Desktops Or watch the session from At …

Old time video camera with the word "Videos" spelled out across the main body of the camera with video tape interlaced through the letters connecting the reels of video tape.

2019 Videos

Below are videos and podcasts that Tony has participated in during 2019. You can listen to GTC 19 panel discussion S9870: Expert Panel Discussion: See How NVIDIA Quadro Virtual Workstations are Transforming Industries I was able to again be part of the VMware vExpert Daily on the Monday of VMworld 2019. A great time was …

Old time video camera with the word "Videos" spelled out across the main body of the camera with video tape interlaced through the letters connecting the reels of video tape.

2021 Videos

Below are videos and podcasts that Tony has participated in during 2021. GTC 2021 April 21-23 [S31583] Beyond Cows and Cookies: Using Jetson Nanos to Transform Youth Development STEM Programs in Kansas GTC 2021 April 21-23 [E32023] Harnessing the Power of Python to Control NVIDIA vGPU Management in VMware vSphere With Johan van Amersfoort 2021 …

Old time video camera with the word "Videos" spelled out across the main body of the camera with video tape interlaced through the letters connecting the reels of video tape.

2023 Videos

Below are videos and clips that Tony has participated in during 2023. As always you can find him on the VMware Communities Round Table podcast almost every week. VMware Explore – Las Vegas August, 21 to 24th At VMware Explore I presented three vBrownBag VMTN Tech Talk Sessions. The first session on Wednesday and the …

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