Below are the videos and some podcasts Tony participated in during 2018.
Dell Technologies World
At Dell Technologies World I talked about VDI offerings my team had made available.
GPU Tech Conference 2018
I presented at GTC18 Session S8483 – Empowering CUDA Developers with Virtual Desktops
Or watch the session from http://on-demand.gputechconf.com/gtc/2018/video/S8483/
At VMworld Las Vegas I participated in several different activities.
I co-presented session VAP2340BU with VMware. You can also watch the video here.
I was able to participate in the Wednesday vExpert Daily
[Hold for vBrownBag TechTalk]
I presented a vBrownBag TechTalk on using VDI for AI. The video is undergoing some branding changes and will be posted when it is updated.
Amy Lewis had me sit down on her couch at VMworld where I got to tell her all about my mother board… During my session with Amy we uncover when I made the switch to software defined. It was in 2010 when I was working with a company called EvoStor which eventually (through acquisitions) became vSAN.