t-shirts and other NCYC musings

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Our t-shirts are ready. For those who read my blog I’ll give you a sneak peek at the end of the blog. Had a slight issue with the iron on transfers. We applied them and then washed the t’s. When they came out of the wash some of the iron on’s had started pealing. This peeling was not an issue for the t’s we had spray painted and actually gave them a more authentic look. The ones we did not paint though did not look good. So while I’m at work today I’m painting the t’s. (I guess this is one thing that phone support does while they are talking with you.) 🙂

Otherwise I guess my helpful set of tips for anyone who has yet to leave for NCYC yet are these:

  • Take pop, water, whatever with you. The vending machines will sell out quickly in your hotels.
  • Take food. It will be marked up.
  • Take a poncho or a trash bag (you can cut holes in them and get the same result as a poncho). Its supposed to rain Saturday and Sunday. might as well be somewhat comfortable while standing in the rain.
  • Need last minute trading items, think duct tape, cloths pins, or label makers.
  • Have fun! you’re celebrating your faith! And faith isn’t supposed to be monotonous, its supposed to be enjoyable. Christ died for us so that we may have life and have it abundantly. ENJOY YOUR FAITH!


As promised here our the groups shirts. On the front it says “Jesus Loves This Guy.” The back says “What up, Pray’a?” You will probably see some of these wondering around at NCYC. And before someone says why did you say “Guy” and not use a gender neutral term it was a decision of the youth, both boys and girls. They have chosen to use the masculine neutral form of the English language.

Permanent link to this article: https://www.wondernerd.net/t-shirts-and-other-ncyc-musings/

National Catholic Youth Conference 2011

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Well our group is getting ready to hit the road to Indianapolis for NCYC 2011.  We’ve had our ups and downs and things are really shaping up. We’ve got everything ready to go and I think everyone is ready to go.  Our youth are growing and learning responsibility.

Sunday night we are getting together to prep some of the trading items for NCYC this year. We are going to try and brand all of our items with our NCYC logo for this year.

This year we are doing cowboy hats, bucket hats, pins, and stamps. We got the hats from oriental trading company.  The pins we are going to make with pin blanks. And the stamps are going to be stamps from the USPS.

Everyone may have other additional trading items too. We are hoping to see our buttons all over the conference.


More to come soon. Hopefully I will be doing some posts and pod casts from the bus on the way down.


Permanent link to this article: https://www.wondernerd.net/national-catholic-youth-conference-2011/

My First Blog Post

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This is my first time blogging. I will give readers a heads up my blogs will be rather wide and varied. You will probably get to see content from computers to politics here.

And in classic nerd fashion.

Hello World!


Permanent link to this article: https://www.wondernerd.net/my-first-blog-post/