Category: Social Media

Harnessing the Power of Python to Control vGPU Management in VMware vSphere – GTC 2021 Session E32023

In this blog I provide some insights on managing vGPUs in vSphere with Python. It sounds like a simple task to control vGPUs in vSphere, but its not as easy as it appears. I got deep into this as Johan and I were working on content for this session. I’ll cover all that and more …

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Sneak Peak at the Brand New Jetson Nano 2GB

How would you like a sneak peak at the brand new NVIDIA Jetson Nano 2GB Developer Kit? I have the hook up for you. NVIDIA sent one of these $59 Developer Kits for me to try.

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Dell EMC PowerOne

PowerOne Converged Infrastructure

I can finally tell you what I’ve been working on for the last 17 months. Today Dell EMC announced the PowerOne System. This is what I’ve been working on, it hasn’t been a VDI program or anything like that. My work has been part of a team creating an autonomous, outcome oriented, converged infrastructure.

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VMTN5019U The Thrifty Admin, VDI by Day Compute by Night

These are the slides from my session on VDI by Day Compute By Night slides from my vBrownBag presentation.

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GTC 2019 Wrap Up

GTC19 Banner - "GTC is where we create what others think is science fiction" - Jensen Huang

It’s the last day of GTC 2019, for those who know me they know it’s time for my yearly wrap up of the trade show. For the folks in charge of the show it’s feedback for next year’s GTC. For those not familiar with my wrap up report, the last day of the show I …

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NVIDIA Jetson Nano – a Quick Look

Yesterday, March 18th, the NVIDIA Jetson Nano was announced at GTC. As you left the keynote (or when you got back to the San Jose Convention Center) you could purchase one for $99. I purchased a Nano and thought I’d give you a quick look at it.

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Scripting VDI By Day and Compute By Night

Cycle of VDI by Day and Compute By Night (Cycle Harvesting)

Over the weekend I finished writing a PowerCLI script to do VDI by day and compute by night. In in this post I’m going to share the script and how to set it up with you.

For those not familiar with the term VDI by day and compute by night here is my vision for it. Let’s say you have a bunch of VDI users who are structural engineers. They typically work from 8 in the morning to 5 or so at night. On their VDI desktops they have programs like like AutoCAD which require high end GPUs, but since they are using VDI they’re virtual GPUs or vGPUs. That means you have these high end GPUs that might be sitting idle for 12 to 16 hours a day and the organization spent a lot of money for those GPUs.

Now what if you could use those GPUs for something other than just engineers virtual desktops? You know, get a little more millage out of them. The R&D department keeps wanting more servers for their high performance computing (HPC) farm… What could 12 extra hours a day of GPU time coming from the Engineers idle VDI hosts do to help them?

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2019 NVIDIA vGPU Community Advisors

NVIDIA Virtual GPU Community Advisors #NGCA

Today the 2019 NVIDIA vGPU Community Advisors (NGCA) was announced. I am pleased to share that I have been selected to join this wonderful group again for another year.

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vGPU PowerCLI Commands

PowerCLI Screen on vGPUs

I’m a noob when it comes to PowerCLI, I can Get-VM like most everyone else, but not much more.  You may have seen my previous post about Taking Back Resources where I talked about the theory and logic behind vGPU cycle harvesting. Right now I’m working on putting it into action and the best way …

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