Category: Social Media

VMworld VMTN6636U: GPU Enabled Linux VDI

Front slide of VMworld Session

It’s Wednesday of VMworld… Today I present my vBrownbag Tech Talk on GPU Enabled Linux VDI (VMTN6636U). I want to provide access to the slides used in this session. I will link the recording here as well once the session is posted. VMTN6636U VMworld Session It’s important to note with the material I’m covering in …

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My NVIDIA GRID 5.0 Testing

Tesla P4 GPU

In my previous post I covered some of what is new with NVIDIA GRID 5.0 and the NVIDIA Pascal cards. In this post I’m going to cover some of the testing I’ve done with GRID 5.0 and the NVIDIA Tesla P4 GPU. NVIDIA was nice enough to provide the NVIDIA GRID Community Advisors (NGCA) access …

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Changing the GPU Virtualization Game

Pascal Series GPUs

Today NVIDIA announced the NVIDIA GRID August 2017 release (AKA GRID 5.0), it is a major change for the virtualization industry. Over the next few days I will be publishing a few blogs about the NVIDIA GRID vPC (Virtual PC) and Quadro vDWS (Virtual Data Center Workstation). This blog covers some of what’s new with …

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GTC17 Wrap Up Report

Time for my yearly wrap up from GTC 2017. In my post I want to share the good and not so good highlights from my trip to GTC17. These are provided to give constructive feedback about both what is done right and some of the rough areas attendees (me) experienced. GTC is fast becoming my …

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GTC17 Session S7349 Slides & Links

GTC S7349 Slide Cover

This post is about GTC Session S7349, “Getting Started with GPUs for Linux Virtual Desktops on VMware Horizon.” Attached to the post is the slide deck presented in the session and below a list of links referenced in the session. Trey and I appreciate the attendance and hope the information was helpful in getting you …

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Long List of Links for Configuring Linux Desktop VMs

This is a compilation of links that helped me prepare for GTC Session S7349. They aren’t in any particular order and may not be helpful as you are configuring your Linux Virtual Desktop VMs with GPU capabilities.   GPU Profiler How to benchmark your Linux PCs Performance GLmark How to deactivate virbr0? …

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Join Me at GTC 2017

I will be attending the GPU Tech Conference (GTC) in May. This is the don’t miss GPU event of the year. Last year was my first year attending GTC and I hope not to miss it going forward. GTC has lots of great content around VDI, Deep Learning, Analytics, Artificial Intelligence, and many other areas.  …

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Doubly Honored

Dell EMC Elect 2017

Yesterday, March 29, 2017, two community announcements were made. One was for the 2017 VMware EUC Champions program and one was for the 2017 Dell EMC Elect. I was selected for both recognition’s. I feel doubly honored to be part of both amazing groups. For those who don’t know about the Dell EMC Elect it …

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This Space NOT For #Rent

Not For Rent Sign. Black background with red border. Not is scribbled in along with Don't bother in the call blank.

Of late I have been hearing about companies strongly ‘asking’ their employees to publish corporate content on their personal social media feeds like Twitter, Facebook, and Linked-In. I’m not a fan of letting employers spam my friends. If I want to share something it needs to be something I’m interested in and something my followers …

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Inaugural NVIDIA GRID Community Advisor 


Recently I was selected as a member of the inaugural group of the NVIDIA GRID Community Advisors. This is a great honor for me and I feel extremely fortunate to be one of the twenty individuals selected for the program. “The [NVIDIA GRID Community Advisor Program] brings together the talents of individuals who have invested …

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