Category: Uncategorized

AI Qubits You Need for Your VMware Explore Schedule

You got approval to attend VMware Explore this year! That’s fantastic, I look forward to seeing you there. By now you have probably started to build your schedule in session builder. I have a few Explore sessions you might want at the top of your list. And some of you might be wondering what AI …

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2023 GTC Submission Abstracts (I just had to share)

One of the things I have wanted to do for a while is to post the abstracts I submit for various conferences. This is my first attempt at doing just that. These are the abstracts I can publish, that I submitted for NVIDIA GTC 2023 (spring). There is one abstract I can’t share with folks …

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Happy Day After Yesterday

Happy Day After Yesterday in blue text with a gray and wite spiral.

Happy day after yesterday y’all, You may or may not have noticed that many of the emails or calls with me start out with “Happy <day>” (Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, etc.). Every so often I get the question why are you always so happy? People want to figure out my trick… This is a …

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Thunderbird Email – Cannot Connect to SMTP Server

Network Settings, uncheck IPv6

I had an interesting problem I discovered this afternoon. I get email in a host of different ways, one of which is in Thunderbird, on one of my desktops. I went to send a friend an email and got an error saying “The mail server sent an incorrect greeting: cannot connect to SMTP server [long …

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Backing Up My WordPress Site

Thought I would share a quick post on how I protect this site. For those who don’t know me I started my career working in the backup industry. As such I am a firm believer in the saying “if you don’t have 3 copies of it then it doesn’t exist.” As such I try to …

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