I’ve had some questions about virtualizing ArcGIS and I thought it might be helpful to share the links that I’ve found helpful in architecting around ArcGIS VDI/EUC deployments. Updated 3-19-16 added a couple of additional links. As I’m reviewing my links I’ve discovered that some are no longer relevant or have been updated to include …
Category: VMware
If its VMware its here!
Permanent link to this article: https://www.wondernerd.net/arcgis-virtualization-links/
Mar 05
GPUs and Detecting Pestilence
This is a project that has been on my mind for about a year now. Chalk this up as another crazy idea that could make someone a lot of money. About a year ago, it was announced that K-State University (proud alumnus) would be partnering with Australia’s Queensland University of Technology in a really cool …
Permanent link to this article: https://www.wondernerd.net/detectingpestilence/
Feb 04
Do you want to build a snowman??? (virtual or otherwise)
Yes you can bash me now for the reference to Disney’s Frozen. When I wrote this a week ago I was sitting at my desk with the doors and windows open enjoying the 70 degree weather here in Kansas while the East coast was getting pounded by #Snowpocalypse. Now that most everyone hates me for one …
Permanent link to this article: https://www.wondernerd.net/do-you-want-to-build-a-snowman-virtual-or-otherwise/
Nov 10
GPU Virtualization Links (Part 1)
Today I start a series of blog posts on GPUs and 3D rendering in VMware Horizon View. I’ll be sharing much of my knowledge on the technical aspects of GPUs. In this post I will be sharing links that will be helpful as you plan and deploy a graphically intensive workload. In future posts I …
Permanent link to this article: https://www.wondernerd.net/gpu-virtualization-links/
Oct 14
Configuring VMware Virtual Flash in vSphere 5.5
I recently had a question come in at work about configuration limits on VMware Flash Read Cache limits. I thought this is some material the community might like as well as a walk through on how to install and configure it. Before we get into how to setup VMware Virtual Flash is I think it’s …
Permanent link to this article: https://www.wondernerd.net/configuring-vmware-virtual-flash-in-vsphere-5-5/
Oct 04
Mirage 5.1 Web Client Install Quirk
I thought I would add a quick post on the Mirage 5.1 web client install. I’ve been setting up a lab recently with all of the VMware EUC products and Mirage is one that I’ve been working on. I went though the install of the Mirage 5.1.0 server and that install went smoothly. No errors …
Permanent link to this article: https://www.wondernerd.net/mirage-5-1-web-client-install-quirk/
Feb 03
Signing up for a VMware Advanced Exam
For those of us out there who are seeking an advanced VMware exam like a VCAP-DCD or VCAP-DCA at VMware Partner Exchange or PEX or for any other reason. You may have discovered its not quite as easy as it once was. After talking with folks at both VMware (Partner, Education, and Certification) and Pearson …
Permanent link to this article: https://www.wondernerd.net/signing-up-for-a-vmware-advanced-exam/
Sep 25
Configuring Soft 3D in VMware Horizon View 5.2
On September 25th, 2013 I had the pleasure of presenting to the Dallas Fort Worth VMUG Regional Conference. I had the opportunity to present on VMware Horizon View Soft 3D Graphics. Here is how you to configure soft 3D graphics in Horizon View 5.2. A Long time ago in a datacenter far, far away… …
Permanent link to this article: https://www.wondernerd.net/soft-3d-in-view-5-2/
Jun 20
Assign Horizon Workspace 1.0 Admin’s
It took me a bit of googleing and work to figure out how to add other users to the admin role for Horizon Workspace. I finally found it so I figured It would be nice to provide a quicker way for folks to figure this out. If you want to do it without reading this …
Permanent link to this article: https://www.wondernerd.net/assign-horizon-workspace-1-0-admins/
Jun 20
Oh how could I forget… Its 32 bit not 64
Oh how could I forget this… Today I was working on syspreping some Windows 7 x86 VM’s that I built earlier in the week. For what ever reason they kept getting stuck in the sysprep process and I couldn’t figure out why. I checked the logs and there wasn’t much that stud out in them …
Permanent link to this article: https://www.wondernerd.net/oh-how-could-i-forget-its-32-bit-not-64/