GTC16 Session: S6245 – IT-as-a-Service With Visually Intensive VDI

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GTC 2016 Session S6245 – IT-as-a-Service With Visually Intensive VDI

I wanted to provide access to my session materials for my GTC 2016 session S6245 on IT-as-a-Service (ITaaS) with Visually Intensive VDI. In this blog you can review a pdf version of the slide deck that I presented at GTC.

GTC Session S6245If you haven’t guessed there aren’t a lot of complicated formulas or other material covered in this session. I worked with my engineering team and we reviewed the different sessions being covered at GTC along with the time constraints of the session and decided it was best to outline the process of delivering cloud desktops as opposed to the sizing material all ready covered by so many wonderful speakers. So if you are looking for specifics related to an application or low level settings for a VDI environment please check out the other EUC sessions at GTC this year.

These include:

  • S6595 – Benchmarking Graphics Intensive Application on VMware Horizon 6 Using NVIDIA GRID™ vGPUs
  • S6385 – What is Cloud and What Can It Do For Your Desktop Workloads
  • S6200 – Delivering 3D Workstations with VMware Horizon and NVIDIA GRID™
  • S6198 – The Latest in High Performance Desktops with VMware Horizon and NVIDIA GRID™ vGPU
  • L6117 – NVIDIA GRID Deployment Hands-on Lab with VMware and Citrix
  • S6598 – Real Performance Results with VMWare Horizon and View Planner
  • S6427 – Monitoring Solutions for NVIDIA GRID™
  • S6332 – Training and Simulation in a Secure Cloud Environment
  • S6218 – – From the Fire Hose Series: Benchmarking and Scalability in Virtual Desktop Infrastructure (VDI) and Virtual Workstation Environments
  • Listing of sessions with VMware mentioned:

In my session we dive into the components that you need in order to deliver EUC as part of a cloud deployment. This includes monitoring, antivirus/malware, service catalogs, and other aspects that apply to your environment.

Here are the links you will see in my session.

With that here is a link to my session: S6245 – IT-as-a-Service With Visually Intensive VDI Final v3.2

Please leave a comment, drop me an email, or send me a tweet, if you have a question.

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