GTC18 Session S8483 – Empowering CUDA Developers with Virtual Desktops

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S8483 - Empowering CUDA Developers with Virtual Desktops - Slide Deck

Thank you to all attendees who started GTC18 at this session. I hope it was helpful for you. When recordings are available I will add them to this post as well.

For your enjoyment, here are the slides from my GTC18 session, S8483, Empowering CUDA Developers with Virtual Desktops.

If you are interested in the results I obtained on VMs with the various profiles they are as follows:

You can look at these and see point in time runs of CUDA sample applications running in a virtual machine (VM). Realize these aren’t indicative of actual performance and your results may vary substantially.  The only purpose of these results is to show that the VMs are able to run CUDA workloads.

If you are interested in links to all the session resources you can gain access to them all on my links page for the session. (I will activate this page about 40 minutes into the session.)

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