Join me at GTC18

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Join Me at GTC18, March 26-29Do you need another reason to attend the GPU Tech Conference this March? How about this… I’ll be there and I’ll be presenting on something I’m sure you want to know about. I’ll be presenting session is S8483, “Empowering CUDA Developers with Virtual Desktops.” (I’ll update the post when the time and day are scheduled, you can also check the session catalog.)

You’re probably saying to yourself, “My development team is fine and they’ll get upset if I move them to a virtual desktop, besides you can’t develop modern applications, like block chain in a virtual desktop…” OR “our IT team wouldn’t ‘dare’ force us to develop code on a lousy virtual desktop, they don’t even have GPUs.” In my session we are going to address both sets of concerns. We’ll talk about what can be done with virtual desktops today (it’s no longer just for Bob in accounting) and how you actually get there.

If you want to get started before you get to GTC, you can ready my three part blog series on building CUDA enabled developer desktops (Part 1, Part 2, and Part 3). These are the basis for my session… Eventually I hope to do testing with it on some newer hardware to show what both a P4 and P40 can do for CUDA developers. Till then it’s just the results I have from my home lab.

We’ll also get into how the GPU is sliced and how performance will get carved up among the virtual workspaces. This tends to be the first question I get asked about when I show folks what I’m doing. The second question which is closely related to the first question is about performance, not of the VM but of the GPU. I  share what my designs have been able to deliver, but as always mileage may very depending on what you are trying to do. I even have some early results from my initial testing.

GTC18 Register Now ButtonYou’re probably going “this is great, how do I sign up to attend GTC so I can experience all the awesome sauce of GTC?” That’s really simple to do. You should go to the GPU Tech Conference website and click the “Register Now” link in the top right corner.  You can then see the different options for registering. If you do it soon you can get early bird pricing on registration too!

I can even make attending GTC better for you or your organizations bottom line (did I mention I work in technical marketing and you have to have the, “but wait there’s more!”).  The GTC folks thought it was a good idea and gave me a 20% discount code to share with my friends who are thinking about attending…

The discount code is: RFVGPUTF

This is a great opportunity to attend GTC and learn even more than CUDA enabled virtual desktops (even though we all know that’s the main reason everyone wants to attend, right?). You get to meet a lot of aspiring students who are doing absolutely amazing work with GPUs, that and the networking opportunities are out of this world (literally, I’ve meet folks from NASA at GTC).

So what are you waiting for, go register now with the early bird pricing (ends 2-16-2018), stack the discount code I provided earlier, and come join me at the GPU Tech Conference March 26 through the 29th.

And if you can’t make it or maybe you found my session, S8483, so amazingly interesting that you want to see it again and a again. Don’t worry they do record them and you can catch it at a later date.

I hope to see you there

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