Tag: Cloud

The wheels on Willy Wonka’s bus go round and crossways…

While driving  back to my hotel this evening from a clients site I had an interesting thought… Now I wonder how it can be applied to virtualization and storage… Here’s the thought: I grew up in a little town in Kansas and I knew all the back roads and roads that didn’t exist and all …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.wondernerd.net/the-wheels-on-willy-wonkas-bus-go-round-and-round/

Program the elevator to the cloud

I don’t know how many of you took programming in college (or were lucky enough to take it in high school). Do you remember having the task of programming elevators for optimal performance? You know given X elevators and Y floors you need to figure out the best place to put the elevators and the …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.wondernerd.net/program-the-elevator-to-the-cloud/