Tag: DR

Empowering CUDA Developers with Virtual Desktops (Part3)

Benefits of Virtualizing the CUDA Toolkit

Woot!!! You’ve made it this far, or maybe you started here. In Part1 of this blog we looked at the problem of installing the NVIDIA CUDA Toolkit on a virtual machine (VM). In Part2 we looked at how to install the CUDA Toolkit on a VM. This post covers why installing the NVIDIA CUDA Toolkit …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.wondernerd.net/empowering-cuda-developers-with-virtual-desktops-part3/

Backing Up My WordPress Site

Thought I would share a quick post on how I protect this site. For those who don’t know me I started my career working in the backup industry. As such I am a firm believer in the saying “if you don’t have 3 copies of it then it doesn’t exist.” As such I try to …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.wondernerd.net/backing-up-my-wordpress-site/

Doomsday Preparation for companies

Time for a random (sort of) dream post around disaster recovery. This post is aimed at those companies that see themselves as preppers. It’s not for the individual home owner this is for the business that wants to avoid a dooms day scenario. Many companies have disaster recovery (DR) plans in place they may even …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.wondernerd.net/doomsday-preparation-for-companies/