Tag: EUC

VMUG EUC Day Session: Virtual Desktops, GPUs, and Things You Didn’t Know You Could Do

Cover Slide for VMUG EUC Day: Virtual Desktops, GPUs, and Things You Didn’t Know You Could Do

VMUG EUC Day session: Virtual Desktops, GPUs, and Things You Didn’t Know You Could Do. This post contains the content for my EUC day session, from the slides to the recording following the event.

Permanent link to this article: https://www.wondernerd.net/vmug-euc-day-session-virtual-desktops-gpus-and-things-you-didnt-know-you-could-do/

AI Qubits You Need for Your VMware Explore Schedule

You got approval to attend VMware Explore this year! That’s fantastic, I look forward to seeing you there. By now you have probably started to build your schedule in session builder. I have a few Explore sessions you might want at the top of your list. And some of you might be wondering what AI …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.wondernerd.net/ai-qubits-you-need-for-your-vmware-explore-schedule/

VMTN2835 – Update to VDI by Day Compute by Night

This is post for my VMworld 2021 vBrownbag session VMTN2835. This session covers updates to the VDI by day compute by night scripts that I’ve been writing and updating for a couple of years. You can download all of the modules needed for this from my GitHub repo.

Permanent link to this article: https://www.wondernerd.net/vmtn2835-update-to-vdi-by-day-compute-by-night/

New PowerCLI Module – Finding vGPU Profiles

A deep dive on a PowerCLI module for finding vGPU profiles, used as part of VDI by day Compute by Night scripts. This PowerShell script finds what vGPU profiles are supported by a given set of hosts and reports it back as an object collection.

Permanent link to this article: https://www.wondernerd.net/powershell-module-finding-vgpu-profiles/

Scripting VDI By Day and Compute By Night

Cycle of VDI by Day and Compute By Night (Cycle Harvesting)

Over the weekend I finished writing a PowerCLI script to do VDI by day and compute by night. In in this post I’m going to share the script and how to set it up with you.

For those not familiar with the term VDI by day and compute by night here is my vision for it. Let’s say you have a bunch of VDI users who are structural engineers. They typically work from 8 in the morning to 5 or so at night. On their VDI desktops they have programs like like AutoCAD which require high end GPUs, but since they are using VDI they’re virtual GPUs or vGPUs. That means you have these high end GPUs that might be sitting idle for 12 to 16 hours a day and the organization spent a lot of money for those GPUs.

Now what if you could use those GPUs for something other than just engineers virtual desktops? You know, get a little more millage out of them. The R&D department keeps wanting more servers for their high performance computing (HPC) farm… What could 12 extra hours a day of GPU time coming from the Engineers idle VDI hosts do to help them?

Permanent link to this article: https://www.wondernerd.net/scripting-vdi-by-day-and-compute-by-night/

Number of vGPUs Available in vSphere

PowerCLI Code Snippit for Carrying Capacity Function

I’ve been working on a PowerCLI function for the last few months in my free time and now I’d like to share it with everyone. This is a pretty spiffy function for those folks working with vGPUs, and it’s not just for VDI it can help those looking to virtualize ML/DL systems too. It calculates the vGPU carrying capacity of a vSphere environment.

Permanent link to this article: https://www.wondernerd.net/number-of-vgpus-available-in-vsphere/

Empowering CUDA Developers with Virtual Desktops (Part3)

Benefits of Virtualizing the CUDA Toolkit

Woot!!! You’ve made it this far, or maybe you started here. In Part1 of this blog we looked at the problem of installing the NVIDIA CUDA Toolkit on a virtual machine (VM). In Part2 we looked at how to install the CUDA Toolkit on a VM. This post covers why installing the NVIDIA CUDA Toolkit …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.wondernerd.net/empowering-cuda-developers-with-virtual-desktops-part3/

Empowering CUDA Developers with Virtual Desktops (Part2)

In this blog post we are looking at how to install the NVIDIA CUDA Toolkit and its basic setup. In the previous blog post we looked at the typical problem encountered when trying to install the CUDA Toolkit in a virtualized environment with a vGPU.  In the follow on to this post (Part 3) I …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.wondernerd.net/empowering-cuda-developers-with-virtual-desktops-part2/

Empowering CUDA Developers with Virtual Desktops (Part1)

NVIDIA CUDA Toolkit Virtual Deployment Model

I’m very excited to share with everyone that I have successfully installed the NVIDIA CUDA Toolkit on a Linux CentOS 7 Virtual Desktop running on Horizon 7.1 in my home lab. (No, I’m not the first but its a big deal for me.) You might be thinking “big deal you’ve deployed an app on a …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.wondernerd.net/empowering-cuda-developers-with-virtual-desktops-part1/

VMworld VMTN6636U: GPU Enabled Linux VDI

Front slide of VMworld Session

It’s Wednesday of VMworld… Today I present my vBrownbag Tech Talk on GPU Enabled Linux VDI (VMTN6636U). I want to provide access to the slides used in this session. I will link the recording here as well once the session is posted. VMTN6636U VMworld Session It’s important to note with the material I’m covering in …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.wondernerd.net/vmworld-vmtn6636u-gpu-enabled-linux-vdi/