Tag: EUC Champions

VMworld VMTN6636U: GPU Enabled Linux VDI

Front slide of VMworld Session

It’s Wednesday of VMworld… Today I present my vBrownbag Tech Talk on GPU Enabled Linux VDI (VMTN6636U). I want to provide access to the slides used in this session. I will link the recording here as well once the session is posted. VMTN6636U VMworld Session It’s important to note with the material I’m covering in …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.wondernerd.net/vmworld-vmtn6636u-gpu-enabled-linux-vdi/

Doubly Honored

Dell EMC Elect 2017

Yesterday, March 29, 2017, two community announcements were made. One was for the 2017 VMware EUC Champions program and one was for the 2017 Dell EMC Elect. I was selected for both recognition’s. I feel doubly honored to be part of both amazing groups. For those who don’t know about the Dell EMC Elect it …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.wondernerd.net/doubly-honored/