Tag: GPU

VMware Explore VMTN3081LV – AI on the Horizon: Delivering Virtualized AI Environments to Students

AI on the Horizon: Delivering Virtualized AI Environments to Students Cover Slide for VMTN3081LV vBrownBag Tech Talk session at VMware Explore 2023

Thank you to everyone who joined me for VMTN3081LV at VMware Explore. It was great having the opportunity to present AI on the Horizon: Delivering Virtualized AI Environments to Students.

Permanent link to this article: https://www.wondernerd.net/vmware-explore-vmtn3081lv-ai-on-the-horizon-delivering-virtualized-ai-environments-to-students/

Talk Nerdy to Me VMworld {code} Session 2778

Here you will find resources from VMworld Code Session 2778 – Talk Nerdy to Me, Using Python to Create VMs with vGPUs for AI Workloads.

Permanent link to this article: https://www.wondernerd.net/talk-nerdy-to-me-vmworld-code-session-2778/

VMTN2835 – Update to VDI by Day Compute by Night

This is post for my VMworld 2021 vBrownbag session VMTN2835. This session covers updates to the VDI by day compute by night scripts that I’ve been writing and updating for a couple of years. You can download all of the modules needed for this from my GitHub repo.

Permanent link to this article: https://www.wondernerd.net/vmtn2835-update-to-vdi-by-day-compute-by-night/

New PowerCLI Module – Finding vGPU Profiles

A deep dive on a PowerCLI module for finding vGPU profiles, used as part of VDI by day Compute by Night scripts. This PowerShell script finds what vGPU profiles are supported by a given set of hosts and reports it back as an object collection.

Permanent link to this article: https://www.wondernerd.net/powershell-module-finding-vgpu-profiles/

Talk Nerdy to me & Updates at VMworld

The Wondernerd taking flight!

It’s VMworld time! Hopefully you’ve registered for VMworld. In this post you’ll find some of the sessions I’m presenting & some you wont want to miss.

Permanent link to this article: https://www.wondernerd.net/talk-nerdy-to-me-updates-at-vmworld/

Harnessing the Power of Python to Control vGPU Management in VMware vSphere – GTC 2021 Session E32023

In this blog I provide some insights on managing vGPUs in vSphere with Python. It sounds like a simple task to control vGPUs in vSphere, but its not as easy as it appears. I got deep into this as Johan and I were working on content for this session. I’ll cover all that and more …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.wondernerd.net/harnessing-the-power-of-python-to-control-vgpu-management-in-vmware-vsphere-gtc-2021-session-e32023/

Sneak Peak at the Brand New Jetson Nano 2GB

How would you like a sneak peak at the brand new NVIDIA Jetson Nano 2GB Developer Kit? I have the hook up for you. NVIDIA sent one of these $59 Developer Kits for me to try.

Permanent link to this article: https://www.wondernerd.net/sneak-peak-at-the-brand-new-jetson-nano-2gb/

Farming NVIDIA Jetson Based Thin Clients

Jetson Nano sitting on its box

In most organizations GPU powered thin clients (or any thin clients for that matter) are used for about 8 hours a day and the rest of the time they sit idle, not delivering value to the organization. Why not use their GPU processing power to accelerate organizational research?

Permanent link to this article: https://www.wondernerd.net/farming-nvidia-jetson-based-thin-clients/

VMTN5019U The Thrifty Admin, VDI by Day Compute by Night

These are the slides from my session on VDI by Day Compute By Night slides from my vBrownBag presentation.

Permanent link to this article: https://www.wondernerd.net/vmtn5019u-the-thrifty-admin/

NVIDIA Jetson Nano – a Quick Look

Yesterday, March 18th, the NVIDIA Jetson Nano was announced at GTC. As you left the keynote (or when you got back to the San Jose Convention Center) you could purchase one for $99. I purchased a Nano and thought I’d give you a quick look at it.

Permanent link to this article: https://www.wondernerd.net/nvidia-jetson-nano-a-quick-look/