Tag: Horizon View

Number of vGPUs Available in vSphere

PowerCLI Code Snippit for Carrying Capacity Function

I’ve been working on a PowerCLI function for the last few months in my free time and now I’d like to share it with everyone. This is a pretty spiffy function for those folks working with vGPUs, and it’s not just for VDI it can help those looking to virtualize ML/DL systems too. It calculates the vGPU carrying capacity of a vSphere environment.

Permanent link to this article: https://www.wondernerd.net/number-of-vgpus-available-in-vsphere/

My NVIDIA GRID 5.0 Testing

Tesla P4 GPU

In my previous post I covered some of what is new with NVIDIA GRID 5.0 and the NVIDIA Pascal cards. In this post I’m going to cover some of the testing I’ve done with GRID 5.0 and the NVIDIA Tesla P4 GPU. NVIDIA was nice enough to provide the NVIDIA GRID Community Advisors (NGCA) access …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.wondernerd.net/my-nvidia-grid-5-0-testing/

Changing the GPU Virtualization Game

Pascal Series GPUs

Today NVIDIA announced the NVIDIA GRID August 2017 release (AKA GRID 5.0), it is a major change for the virtualization industry. Over the next few days I will be publishing a few blogs about the NVIDIA GRID vPC (Virtual PC) and Quadro vDWS (Virtual Data Center Workstation). This blog covers some of what’s new with …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.wondernerd.net/changing-the-gpu-virtualization-game/

GTC17 Session S7349 Slides & Links

GTC S7349 Slide Cover

This post is about GTC Session S7349, “Getting Started with GPUs for Linux Virtual Desktops on VMware Horizon.” Attached to the post is the slide deck presented in the session and below a list of links referenced in the session. Trey and I appreciate the attendance and hope the information was helpful in getting you …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.wondernerd.net/gtc17-session-s7349-slides-links/

Long List of Links for Configuring Linux Desktop VMs

This is a compilation of links that helped me prepare for GTC Session S7349. They aren’t in any particular order and may not be helpful as you are configuring your Linux Virtual Desktop VMs with GPU capabilities.   GPU Profiler https://virtuallyvisual.wordpress.com/2016/06/08/gpu-profiler-nvidia-community-tool-and-source-code/ How to benchmark your Linux PCs Performance http://www.makeuseof.com/tag/benchmark-linux-pcs-performance/ GLmark https://sourceforge.net/projects/glmark/ How to deactivate virbr0? …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.wondernerd.net/long-list-of-links-for-configuring-linux-desktop-vms/

Join Me at GTC 2017

I will be attending the GPU Tech Conference (GTC) in May. This is the don’t miss GPU event of the year. Last year was my first year attending GTC and I hope not to miss it going forward. GTC has lots of great content around VDI, Deep Learning, Analytics, Artificial Intelligence, and many other areas.  …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.wondernerd.net/join-me-at-gtc-2017/

Good Sounding Virtual Desktops

speaker with sound bars and a no symbol across it

You’re prepping an image for use with a VMware Horizon deployment. You get all your applications tweaked and life is good. You optimized your image with the VMware OS Optimization Tool Fling. You go and test it, it appears to work great. On to the next task, oh wait you didn’t hear the familiar sound …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.wondernerd.net/good-sounding-virtual-desktops/

Dynamic HPC Farms

High Performance Compute as a Service (HPCaaS) Continuing on my random ideas post. Here is another item that can be applied to High Performance Compute (HPC) scenarios. With research institutions and the like it is often necessary to wait to use physical HPC clusters to perform research. (It hearkens back to the days of mainframes …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.wondernerd.net/dynamic-hpc-farms/

GPU Virtualization Links (Part 1)

Today I start a series of blog posts on GPUs and 3D rendering in VMware Horizon View. I’ll be sharing much of my knowledge on the technical aspects of GPUs. In this post I will be sharing links that will be helpful as you plan and deploy a graphically intensive workload. In future posts I …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.wondernerd.net/gpu-virtualization-links/

10zig Thin Clients, Getting USB to Work With VMware Horizon View

Yesterday I was working on preparing some stuff for VCE and our booth at CiscoLive. I ran into an interesting problem and thought I would share it with you… Hopefully it helps you if you run into the same problem with your 10zig or similar device. The problem I ran into was that anytime I …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.wondernerd.net/10zig-thin-clients-getting-usb-to-work-with-vmware-horizon-view/