Light moves at a speed of 299,792.458 kilometers a second (km/s) [Gibbs 1997]. What if we could use the speed of light and the vasts distances of space as a storage medium?
Tag: storage
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Jul 23
Funny ways to explain things…
Since I do tech support, installation, and some pre-sales where I currently work I have to come up with interesting ways to explain different aspects of technology in non-technical terms. Most of these revolve around Dell/EqualLogic storage. They may help you they may not. You may even find them funny. If they’re helpful feel free …
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Jun 26
The wheels on Willy Wonka’s bus go round and crossways…
While driving back to my hotel this evening from a clients site I had an interesting thought… Now I wonder how it can be applied to virtualization and storage… Here’s the thought: I grew up in a little town in Kansas and I knew all the back roads and roads that didn’t exist and all …
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