Tag: VDI by day

VMTN2835 – Update to VDI by Day Compute by Night

This is post for my VMworld 2021 vBrownbag session VMTN2835. This session covers updates to the VDI by day compute by night scripts that I’ve been writing and updating for a couple of years. You can download all of the modules needed for this from my GitHub repo.

Permanent link to this article: https://www.wondernerd.net/vmtn2835-update-to-vdi-by-day-compute-by-night/

New PowerCLI Module – Finding vGPU Profiles

A deep dive on a PowerCLI module for finding vGPU profiles, used as part of VDI by day Compute by Night scripts. This PowerShell script finds what vGPU profiles are supported by a given set of hosts and reports it back as an object collection.

Permanent link to this article: https://www.wondernerd.net/powershell-module-finding-vgpu-profiles/