vGPU PowerCLI Commands

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I’m a noob when it comes to PowerCLI, I can Get-VM like most everyone else, but not much more.  You may have seen my previous post about Taking Back Resources where I talked about the theory and logic behind vGPU cycle harvesting. Right now I’m working on putting it into action and the best way I can think of is a PowerCLI script.

If you try googling much on GPU options for PowerCLI you’re not likely to find much. Either that or I am using the wrong terms. So before I drop some cool cycle harvesting options out there for folks I want to share two PowerCLI commands to look at GPU functions in your environment.

The first command I’d like to share is seeing what vGPU profile is being used by a VM.  This is a two part command. First you assign a VM to a variable, then you can explore the VMs backing. I figured it out from reading through code on the rgel/PowerCLi GitHub ( My thanks to Roman and Hans for sharing this wonderful code.

PS C:\> $MyVMs = Get-VM "VMname"
PS C:\> $MyVMs.ExtensionData.Config.Hardware.Device.Backing.vgpu

Yup, thats all there is to finding out what vGPU profile a VM is using.

Now for the next bit of goodness. Finding out what graphics cards are in a given host.

PS C:\> Get-VMHost | Get-VMHostPciDevice -DeviceClass DisplayController

VMHost.Name          Name                                                                   DeviceClass
-----------          ----                                                                   -----------
esxi02.wondernerd... NVIDIA Corporation NVIDIATesla P4                                      DisplayController
esxi02.wondernerd... Matrox Electronics Systems Ltd. MGA G200e [Pilot] ServerEngines (SEP1) DisplayController
esxi01.wondernerd... Matrox Electronics Systems Ltd. PowerEdge R610 MGA G200eW WPCM450      DisplayController

Taking it a step further lets isolate this to the P4 in my environment.  To do this we’ll modify the above just a bit…

PS C:\> Get-VMHost | Get-VMHostPciDevice -deviceClass DisplayController -Name "NVIDIA*"

VMHost.Name          Name                              DeviceClass
-----------          ----                              -----------
esxi02.wondernerd... NVIDIA Corporation NVIDIATesla P4 DisplayController

I found this by poking around the PowerCLI Cmdlet Reference and playing with the output.  (

PowerCLI Screen on vGPUs

Hope this helps as you develop your PowerCLI scripts dealing with vGPUs.

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