VMware Explore VMTN3081LV – AI on the Horizon: Delivering Virtualized AI Environments to Students

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Thank you to everyone who joined me for VMTN3081LV at VMware Explore. It was great having the opportunity to present “AI on the Horizon: Delivering Virtualized AI Environments to Students.”

This session started as a submission as a full session, then was whittled down to a 26 minute vBrownbag Tech Talk, and finally squeezed in as 12ish minute vBrownbag Tech Talk. Which I’m sure you can guess means, each round more and more information got taken out. At some point I will record the full hour long version with a live demo, until then This is the goodness that is my vBrownbag.

You can watch the presentation here:

You can also download a copy of my slides for VMTN3081LV.

If you would like to find out more about this design, please use the contact me page.

Permanent link to this article: https://www.wondernerd.net/vmware-explore-vmtn3081lv-ai-on-the-horizon-delivering-virtualized-ai-environments-to-students/