VMware Explore VMTN3082LV – The SEO Strategies for My Community Blog That Gave Me Six-Pack Abs

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Thank you to everyone who was able to join my session in person at VMware Explore in Las Vegas. I was honored to present the vBrownbag Tech Talk on “The SEO Strategies for My Community Blog That Gave Me Six-Pack Abs.” I am really excite that I had more that six people in the audience for one of the last sessions of the conference. In this post you can find my slides, the recording of the Tech Talk and some discussion of material that those in attendance asked following the session.

The SEO Strategies for My Community Blog That Gave Me Six-Pack Abs [VMTN3082LV] Cover slide for VMware Explore 2023 vBrownBag Tech Talk.

Below is the video recording of the session:

One of the questions following the presentation that came up was about AI generated content. The initial question that was asked was about the use of AI generated content for blogs. My answer for the foreseeable future is honesty is the best policy, you should disclose on both personal and commercial blogs that the certain content was AI generated.

Obviously, SEO systems are actively looking to determine if content is AI generated. They are or will be using the same (or better) tools as others to detect AI generated content. And if you aren’t upfront about it, they may eventually start dinging your SEO score. So you need to be honest about it, and the sooner the better.

In my personal opinion, there is nothing wrong with using AI generated content. If you don’t learn to do it someone else will. I haven’t done it on any of the blogs I write, as I’m waiting for the legal and business stuff to all shake out. Also, a lot of stuff I blog on wouldn’t be known by AI yet because its either a hair brained idea or it’s internal information.

Which brings up the last interesting point from the follow on discussions about my session. Everyone is trying to detect AI generated content for a lot of reasons. One is around not deceiving the reader, which we talked about above. Another major factor for businesses and government agencies is the disclosure of non-public information, be it outright inclusion or inclusion in the AI model. Both can be damaging and this is why so many vendors are starting to offer private models for organizations, so that corporate users can get the same ChatGPT experience but not leak sensitive information. Which, again is another good reason to disclose something is AI generated upfront.

If you have questions hit me up in the contact me page, tweet me on twitter, or DM me on Linked In.

Permanent link to this article: https://www.wondernerd.net/vmware-explore-vmtn3082lv-the-seo-strategies-for-my-community-blog-that-gave-me-six-pack-abs/