VMworld VMTN6636U: GPU Enabled Linux VDI

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It’s Wednesday of VMworld… Today I present my vBrownbag Tech Talk on GPU Enabled Linux VDI (VMTN6636U). I want to provide access to the slides used in this session. I will link the recording here as well once the session is posted.

Front slide of VMworld SessionVMTN6636U VMworld Session

It’s important to note with the material I’m covering in this session that at the time of the session what I am doing is completely not supported. The hardware I tested with is not on the HCL list for the GPUs and the GPUs have not yet been tested with Linux VDI by VMware. That said I’m also pleased to say that it works really well.

If you are looking for a supported way to deliver vGPU enabled Linux VDI please consider using the NVIDIA M60 GPU. I detailed this in my GPU Tech Conference session.

I would like to thank the NVIDIA and VMware program teams for reviewing the content in my session. There help with this project is invaluable.

Hopefully this material is helpful. Be sure to reach out if you have questions.


Permanent link to this article: https://www.wondernerd.net/vmworld-vmtn6636u-gpu-enabled-linux-vdi/